Boa tarde pessoal, é com muito orgulho que mostro para vocês uma conversão exclusiva feita por mim com o auxílio do meu amigo Osmar, do blog 4 Rodas GTA, esse lindo Lancia 037 Stradale. Bem, eu decidi alterar uma coisa que eu tive ódio nesse carro que já foi competidor do Grupo B do Campeonato Mundial de Rally e que inclusive já correu em 1982 em um rally aqui no Brasil, que são as rodas. Pus um jogo de rodas Konig Afterburner de 17 polegadas para dar mais vida ao carro, o que deu certo. Esse projeto é um de muitos que eu e o Osmar vamos trazer dos carros que já participaram em provas importantes de Rallye, como o Grupo B e o Grupo 2 e que será muito agraciado porque é um projeto meu e dele para usar no SA-MP para grupo de Rallye de velocidade. E a propósito, não irá para download por enquanto.
Good afternoon staff, is very proud to show to you a conversion solely made by me with the help of my friend Osmar, the blog GTA 4 wheels, this gorgeous Lancia 037 Stradale. Well, I decided to change a thing I had hate this car has been competitive Group B World Rally Championship and has even raced in 1982 at a rally here in Brazil, which are the wheels. I put a set of Konig Afterburner wheels of 17 inches to give more life to the car, what went right. This project is one of many Osmar and I'll bring the cars that have participated in the Rallye important evidence, as the Group B and Group 2 and will be very honored because it's a project of mine and to use it in SA-MP group Rallye speed. And by the way, will not download for a while.
Printscreen in game:
Créditos: Turn 10 Studios pelo carro e pelo jogo de rodas sem pneus, Devidim pelos pneus, Paulo H. pelos discos de freio, Simmons pelo kit emplacamento e eu e o Osmar pela conversão do carro para o GTA San Andreas. Observação: Veículo convertido do Forza Motorsport 3
Credits: Turn 10 Studios by car and set of wheels without tires, tires Devidim by Paul H. the brake discs, the Simmons by license plate and I Osmar by converting the car for GTA San Andreas. Note: Vehicle converted from Forza Motorsport 3
Good afternoon staff, is very proud to show to you a conversion solely made by me with the help of my friend Osmar, the blog GTA 4 wheels, this gorgeous Lancia 037 Stradale. Well, I decided to change a thing I had hate this car has been competitive Group B World Rally Championship and has even raced in 1982 at a rally here in Brazil, which are the wheels. I put a set of Konig Afterburner wheels of 17 inches to give more life to the car, what went right. This project is one of many Osmar and I'll bring the cars that have participated in the Rallye important evidence, as the Group B and Group 2 and will be very honored because it's a project of mine and to use it in SA-MP group Rallye speed. And by the way, will not download for a while.
Printscreen in game:
Créditos: Turn 10 Studios pelo carro e pelo jogo de rodas sem pneus, Devidim pelos pneus, Paulo H. pelos discos de freio, Simmons pelo kit emplacamento e eu e o Osmar pela conversão do carro para o GTA San Andreas. Observação: Veículo convertido do Forza Motorsport 3
Credits: Turn 10 Studios by car and set of wheels without tires, tires Devidim by Paul H. the brake discs, the Simmons by license plate and I Osmar by converting the car for GTA San Andreas. Note: Vehicle converted from Forza Motorsport 3
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